Prescribing discrete Gaussian curvature on polyhedral surfaces



Vertex scaling of piecewise linear metrics on surfaces introduced by Luo (Commun Contemp Math 6: 765–780, 2004) is a straightforward discretization smooth conformal structures surfaces. Combinatorial $$\alpha $$ -curvature for vertex Gaussian curvature In this paper, we investigate the prescribing combinatorial problem polyhedral Using Gu-Luo-Sun-Wu’s discrete theory (J. Differ. Geom. 109: 223–256, 2018) and variational principles with constraints, prove some Kazdan-Warner type theorems problem, which generalize results obtained in Gu-Luo-Sun-Wu 2018), Xu (Parameterized uniformization flows surfaces, I. arXiv:1806.04516v2 ) curvatures conjectured that one can Kazdan-Warner’s Kazdan (Ann 99: 14–47, 1974), 101: 317-331, 1975) via approximating This paper takes first step direction.

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عنوان ژورنال: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0944-2669', '1432-0835']